This document serves as a formal declaration outlining Scoopup India no-refund policy for fees and subscription charges.
PAYMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Before making a payment to Scoopup India , you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of our no-refund policy outlined herein.
NON REFUNDABALE NATURE All fees and subscription charges once paid are strictly non-refundable under any circumstances. This policy applies to but is not limited to:
Subscription fee
Membership dues
Service charges
Any other payment made to Scoopup India
NO EXCEPTION CLAUSE :There will be no exceptions to this policy. Regardless of the reason, including but not limited to dissatisfaction with services, changes in personal circumstances, or any other factor, refunds will not be granted.
NOTIFICATION OF POLICY Customers, clients, or subscribers are responsible for familiarizing themselves with this no-refund policy before making any payments. The policy is prominently displayed on our official website and other relevant communication channels.
I, [Client's Full Name], on _________ hereby declare that I have thoroughly read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in Scoopup India's no-refund policy. I acknowledge that this policy governs all fees, subscription charges, and payments made to Scoopup India